Cream Pie dancing to All the Lovers by Kylie Minogue

 How adorable is sh ...

Down with the Sickness

I'm watching Silverchair's music vid of Abuse Me and in my mind, I am singing Disturbed's famous chorus Get up, come on get down with the sickness. what the heck! Talk about multitasking. All the time I was thinking and pretty convinced that Daniel Johns was mouthing the wrong lyrics to his song. I guess the latter of the song fits my condition right now considering that when i woke up I had ...

The Three Stooges

 Remembering the Three Stoogies. I can't believe I actually watched this series when  I was a kid. I guess the supidity of these three guys amused and fascinated me then. I guess the lack of speaking parts then appealed to my young brain-the little vocabulary involved the better. These guys earned money pretending to be stupid, dumb, crazy, all negative words you can refer to puny-brained ...

Under the Weather

This freaking weather has finally gotten to me. One minute it's all bright and sunny, and then in the next few hours it's dripping thick buckets of water and flashing lightning. Here I was thinking only people get confused. Just last Saturday I was all up and about, cheery and bright with the appetite of a runaway cat ( when you have a cat you'll notice him disappearing for days and weeks and when ...

Three Filipino Must Have's on the Dining Table

Filipinos have a lot of characteristics and talents that have nowadays been recognized internationally. If America has been dubbed as the "melting pot" of all nationalities, Philippines can be described as the "melting pot" of diverse talents. Charice Pempengco for one is now acclaimed as an international artist wowing the global audience with her powerful voice singing "ala" Celine Dion and ...

Google said Filipinos are....


A Crazy Proposal

What do you do when while you are walking, someone suddenly, from out of nowhere, blocks your path, kneels in front of you, and while gasping for breath proposes marriage? And you have no freaking idea who that person is?! It's a crazy situation to imagine yourself being in and I for one, couldn't even think of anyone at that moment, proposing to me without him becoming my boyfriend first. You ...

For the Love of Chaunce

Bad Hair Day? Model: Chaunce Hairstyle: by Doods and Tanya Photo courtesy of Photoscape and Pentax X ...

The Pits on Tom Cruise

No pun intended guys. I know you have all noticed that our, ( I am not ashamed to admit that he is one of my fave actors) beloved Tom Cruise needs some major help on his hyperactive sweat glands. We all sweat, it's part of our bodily functions. For some, a swipe of antiperspirant helps, or others even go to hardcore medical procedure to control hyperhyrosis.  It's understandable if he works out ...

Ever After: The Men's Trousers

I must have seen this movie ten times or more that i've already memorized the lines and scenes. There's no harm in daydreaming of someday having our own prince charming and this movie really hit me to the heart. I love how the story progressed right till the end when you see Danielle given her right to the throne and you go  "take that you wicked witches" while you see the mother and daughter ...

A Dream of Dogs

I had this really strange dream last night. Well truthfully dreams are usually weird anyway. Seldom will you have a dream that when you wake up you don’t find yourself dazed and confused. Anyway, in my dream I was with two friends. I knew they were friends because I felt it, not that I actually saw their faces. We were out walking two of my small dogs and we were on our way to this fashion event. ...

Song of the Day

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now download at emp3 Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don't know how I can do without I just ...

Random Act of Pointing

I had no idea what do write for a blog so I was just staring at the lamp for like 5 minutes until I got blind spots. I wanted to test myself if I could still see despite these spots so  I grabbed a bible and leafed through the pages and pointed to a particular part of the page. What I randomly pointed lifted me up and made me think, " What a coincidence." Here's what I got, a verse in the bible. "The ...

A Pig's Tale

Don't Shoot!!! I'm no alien. I'm a Filipino Citiz ...

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is an interactive drama video game developed by Quantic Dream exclusively for PlayStation 3. The game is written and directed by Quantic Dream's founder and CEO David Cage.[10] Heavy Rain's story is a dramatic thriller modeled after film noir, featuring four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial ...

Sarah Addison Allen Books: A Must Read for the Romantic @ Heart

Two gifted sisters draw on their talents to belatedly forge a bond and find their ways in life in Allen's easygoing debut novel. Thirty-four-year-old Claire Waverley manifests her talent in cooking; using edible flowers, Claire creates dishes that affect the eater in curious ways. But not all Waverley women embrace their gifts; some, including Claire's mother, escape the family's eccentric reputation ...

The Red Pyramid: A Book Review

I had just finished reading the 1st book of yet another Chronicles by Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid. In comparison to his first hit on the Percy Jackson stories, The Red Pyramid gives you a more or less similar scenario of normal children being godlings. Although this time, the theme centers on the similarities between Old Egypt and the Modern World. Percy Jackson's story was of him being the son ...

Spring Sunday in Summer

2:40am on Monday already. I'm still awake and will i be able to put more traffic to my blog? I admit i am new to this blogging craze so im practically still learning the ropes. Anyhow, why spring sunday you might wonder since Philippines don't have Spring..we don't have four seasons to be exact. Spring extensive job of cleaning, tidying and removing dirt ...

Korean Dish Day

Saturday finally! Two days of rest before hitting the confines of the office. Friday was uneventful and painstakingly sl-ooo-ww,  I didn't have any work to do yet since I still didn't have access to the tools needed for being a workforce analyst. So I was there most of the time reading about Impact 360 Scheduler in Google. I got soo tired and almost dozed off to sleep. Thank God for caffeinne! ...

Who's Awesome?

I've been feeling so down and un-cool lately. Is it because of the rainy wheather here? I was browsing through some funny sites just to perk up my mood when I saw this pic. I instantly liked it. So everytime I am feeling down and blue, I look at the pic and i go "Heck yea!" and I would just nod in confirmation. Beats having some other person tell you you're awesome. ...

Nuts over Nuts?

Can't seem to get enough of them nuts? Or just dying to stay away from them? I for one am not really fond of snacking on nuts. The more you chew on them the more your jaw muscles seem to slack into laziness. And who would want to have those perfectly manicured nails chipped just because of some nut? Well, there are actually a few that I can think of which I would really crave for at ...

Are you Safe at Home?

I just got back in Bacolod City yesterday after a 3-week vacation in my hometown in Dumaguete City, a 4-hr drive away by private transportation if you are running at a speed of 80km/hr. Travelling by road can also be tiring since you are just sitting there, and your blood is not properly circulated. You get sleepy yet you can't really bring yourself to fall asleep because you're mind is cautious of ...

Fresh from the Pages

I know this may sound too disgusting for some, but i wouldn't believe for one second that no one does the same thing that I do when in the loo. Don't you just find it boring and tiring to just sit there and wait for the deed to be over? Others may be humming some tunes, playing with the water in the faucet, or counting each paper towels. I, on the other hand, prefers to wait it out by reading a magazine ...

Everyday Scribbles: Man and Beer: A Love Story

Everyday Scribbles: Man and Beer: A Love St ...

Man and Beer: A Love Story

1) Proud lover. A toast to show his pride and admiration. "Cheers!" 2) The intimate touch, a sweet caress: the cheek to cheek bonding. 3) The kiss. Giving it all he's got. 4) The shy, bashful smile. 5) The declaration, " I am so happy and glad I'm with you." 6) The commitment, " You and I we belong. " P.S. No offense to the model. These were purely stolen shots. Hey! What are friends for, right? ...
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