Under the Weather

This freaking weather has finally gotten to me. One minute it's all bright and sunny, and then in the next few hours it's dripping thick buckets of water and flashing lightning. Here I was thinking only people get confused. Just last Saturday I was all up and about, cheery and bright with the appetite of a runaway cat ( when you have a cat you'll notice him disappearing for days and weeks and when he gets back he's either all bruised and battered or very much famished). Anyway, it was my fiancées brother's birthday and there was a feast. I couldn't let the moment pass and plus it was FREE FOOD!! :-) Anyway, that was Saturday. Sunday came and I had this very painful headache reverberating all throughout my skull. I lost my appetite. Little did I know that that was just a warning for what was to come. (Drum Roll...) Fever. I blame it all on the weather. Is there another typhoon hitting the Philippines I wonder. I thought fighting off the fever symptoms with Korean spicy food will somehow help, so I joined my fiancé's family for dinner at our fave Korean resto named Sodam. I had dwenjangchigge and topoki. Didn't help at all it only gave me a burnt tongue and constipation. No offense the food was really tasty, it could just have been a side effect to the fever. The sun rises and lo it's Monday which means it's back to work. And I'm still curled up and covered with tons of pillows and blankets to keep the cold at bay. My resolution to keep a clean slate at work attendance gone in just a day. Phew! Bummer! I read an article in the Philippine daily news that if the weather persists to be in a bad mood, classes will be postponed to Sept making July and August the new summer months. Which in a way would also entail the original summer months  April and May to be school months. If only that could be applied to all work environments.....Now I am at home resting, prepping for a new day tomorrow. With fingers crossed and a prayer to match, I chant the fever away.


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