A Crazy Proposal

What do you do when while you are walking, someone suddenly, from out of nowhere, blocks your path, kneels in front of you, and while gasping for breath proposes marriage? And you have no freaking idea who that person is?! It's a crazy situation to imagine yourself being in and I for one, couldn't even think of anyone at that moment, proposing to me without him becoming my boyfriend first. You ...

For the Love of Chaunce

Bad Hair Day? Model: Chaunce Hairstyle: by Doods and Tanya Photo courtesy of Photoscape and Pentax X ...

The Pits on Tom Cruise

No pun intended guys. I know you have all noticed that our, ( I am not ashamed to admit that he is one of my fave actors) beloved Tom Cruise needs some major help on his hyperactive sweat glands. We all sweat, it's part of our bodily functions. For some, a swipe of antiperspirant helps, or others even go to hardcore medical procedure to control hyperhyrosis.  It's understandable if he works out ...

Ever After: The Men's Trousers

I must have seen this movie ten times or more that i've already memorized the lines and scenes. There's no harm in daydreaming of someday having our own prince charming and this movie really hit me to the heart. I love how the story progressed right till the end when you see Danielle given her right to the throne and you go  "take that you wicked witches" while you see the mother and daughter ...

A Dream of Dogs

I had this really strange dream last night. Well truthfully dreams are usually weird anyway. Seldom will you have a dream that when you wake up you don’t find yourself dazed and confused. Anyway, in my dream I was with two friends. I knew they were friends because I felt it, not that I actually saw their faces. We were out walking two of my small dogs and we were on our way to this fashion event. ...

Song of the Day

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now download at emp3 Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don't know how I can do without I just ...

Random Act of Pointing

I had no idea what do write for a blog so I was just staring at the lamp for like 5 minutes until I got blind spots. I wanted to test myself if I could still see despite these spots so  I grabbed a bible and leafed through the pages and pointed to a particular part of the page. What I randomly pointed lifted me up and made me think, " What a coincidence." Here's what I got, a verse in the bible. "The ...

A Pig's Tale

Don't Shoot!!! I'm no alien. I'm a Filipino Citiz ...

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is an interactive drama video game developed by Quantic Dream exclusively for PlayStation 3. The game is written and directed by Quantic Dream's founder and CEO David Cage.[10] Heavy Rain's story is a dramatic thriller modeled after film noir, featuring four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial ...
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